Amanda Craig (Sunday Times) thought RDN
and his Rich Is Beautiful (SAU, 2005) undergraduate. (Bryan
Appleyard, also in the ST, liked
the book in parts.)
Christopher Bland, reviewing "Scrap the BBC!" (SAU, 2007)
for The Spectator rather missed the point of the book but kindly
described RDN as "self-deprecating". Rod Liddle (in the
ST) got the point of the book, but thought
RDN "self-congratulatory" and "flip". He
made up for it (IMHO) by writing in The Spectator that RDN's "Mr
Blair's Messiah Politics" (2005) was "acute
and amusing".
Jonathon Porritt on
his blog thought RDN "whimsically entertaining".
The Ecologist thought RDN ridiculous
and based their argument on a flip (but perhaps also acute and amusing)
speech made by RDN to post-graduates,
which the author thought whimsically entertaining.