A serious spirituality for serious times?

Posted by HC in Boats / Spirituality / Travel on 30 October 2008

A bright young correspondent has chided me for being a touch frivolous. Aren’t I selling myself short, he asks? Tapping this out in the main saloon of an oligarch’s yacht, for it to be winged off by satellite, I am in good condition to reflect ruefully on these remarks.

Fact is, I am hitching a ride as this behemoth plods in fuel-economy mode. We’re cruising under cloudy skies from its temporary lodging near my Balearic home to have some refurbishment done in my favourite shipyard at La Spezia. Yes, I know the yacht’s owner. But I know its skipper and crew better. I am – as so often – halfway between being a guest and a governess (to use old countryhouse terminology). I know the people at the yard too, and love to be around the craftsmanship they lavish (at huge cost) on the boats they service. This yacht is a vulgar monstrosity, but I have often very much enjoyed myself on board. When we arrive, we’ll see some spectacular, elegant, antique schooners of the kind favoured by old(ish) Italian money. I prefer those, but then I’m a snob.

Ah. Back to my young friend’s remark. I will get to it. Later.

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  1. Posted by Jake on 30 October 2008 at 2:25 pm

    I am not young but I would certainly like to see more serious posts from you. I have heard you conduct meditations, and if you don’t mind my saying so, you have important things to say and should be sharing them with the web.

  2. Posted by HC on 30 October 2008 at 2:40 pm

    Thank you, Jake. I really will respond. I am almost glad to be “forced” to do so. HC

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