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RDN's global warming credo (11 January, 2004)

RDN is:

1 agnostic about the seriousness of global warming; but
2 not indifferent, and not contrarian; and
3 tempted by the scientific consensus on man-made global warming because it comes from professionals); but
4 suspicious of the orthoxody (because it closely fits the agenda of the green movement which has usually been wrong);
5 impressed by the similiarity of difficulty in predicting global warming and predicting economic outcomes (they are similarly complex systems);
6 daunted by the task of seriously reducing greehouse gas emissions because
7 sceptical of the enthusiasm of people anywhere to be altruistically energetic;
8 excited by the political and technical challenges ahead and
9 aware they may be much less than we suppose, as most challenges have proved to be;
10 enthusiastic about man as risk-taker;
11 allergic to knee-jerk regulation;
12 fascinated by "silver bullet" regulation which goes with the flow of the market;
13 intrigued by the prospect of an energy-light Post Modern, post-materialist future.


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