Politics & campaigns.

This is not a party political site and not very partisan in any way. My emphasis has tended to be on the quality of debate and campaigning, and especially on the need to appreciate represtentative democracy (government through elected representatives whose own views matter), and to be sceptical of the claims of vox pop, "the people", social media, Crowd Wisdom, and "direct action".

Page 21

Strictly Come elitism

John Sergeant has sparked the most interesting argument about democracy since - oh, I don't know, since George W Bush did or didn't win the popular vote and was rescued (or not) by the Electoral College in 2004. Read more...


20 November 2008

Reasons to be Right

There are obvious reasons not to be on the right of the cultural and political debate. You won't be liked, for start, and people will think you are selfish or even fascist. Here are some reasons in favour. Read more...


19 November 2008

Handling protest (1 of 3)

We should be tougher in the way we think about protest. That was the burden of my written evidence to a Parliamentary committee on Human Rights. Sometimes we seem to get heavy about very little. But more often we think disruptive or vicious protest is really sort of OK. It isn't. Read more...


09 November 2008

A few tart words on Barack Obama

Mr Obama has created or been created by a moment in history.  It is a mixed blessing, this triumph. Whilst it is good that the US has overcome years of racism to produce a black president, it is less obviously good that a man has been elected president because he is black. No way out of that conundrum, probably, but it sours things a little. Read more...


09 November 2008

Jack Zwirn, furrier, obituary

This is the obituary of Jack Zwirn, one of London's most extraordinary furriers. Written by RDN, the Independent ran it soon after Jack's death in 2004. Read more...


26 November 2004
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