
Slow Movies: A proposition

I have nurtured an enthusiasm for “slow movies” as a way of filming scenes which I think lend themselves to quiet inspection but also for the sort of gaze which might be called “meditative”. I find myself staring at, say, flowers or stained glass windows. To say I “zone out”… Read more...


06 December 2024

“Scrap the BBC!” Mk II

The BBC is likely to become very small, or even disappear, if not paying the TV Licence fee becomes a civil offence (is decriminalised, in the jargon). What an extraordinary turn-up for those of us who thought the BBC an absurdity but also thought that its dismemberment would probably have to wait a generation. That is roughly where I was when I wrote "Scrap the BBC!" in 2006. Here is how things might turn out.... Read more...


24 March 2014

Jack Zwirn, furrier, obituary

This is the obituary of Jack Zwirn, one of London's most extraordinary furriers. Written by RDN, the Independent ran it soon after Jack's death in 2004. Read more...


26 November 2004
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