On movies.

Page 5

RDN on the 2011 Oscar crop

I saw great movies in 2010 and some of them were given minor awards at the Oscars. But the big winners probably weren't all that wonderful.... Read more...


07 March 2011

Claire Denis and “White Material”

This stunning movie is a blend of Conrad's The Heart of Darkness (or Apocalypse Now) and Karen Blixen's Out Of Africa (book and movie). Swirl in some Lord Of the Flies and you've sort of got the picture. Goodness knows why the right-ons love it. Read more...


22 July 2010

I Am Love: Flawed masterpiece

For long stretches of I Am Love, I was bowled over in much the way I imagine the movie-makers intended. It had risible patches which didn't quite shake the wheels off the wagon. Read more...


28 April 2010
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