Politics & campaigns.

This is not a party political site and not very partisan in any way. My emphasis has tended to be on the quality of debate and campaigning, and especially on the need to appreciate represtentative democracy (government through elected representatives whose own views matter), and to be sceptical of the claims of vox pop, "the people", social media, Crowd Wisdom, and "direct action".

Page 9

Radio 4’s Food Programme on “real food”

In recent episodes of  BBC Radio 4's The Food Programme there have been interesting examples of - and some challenges to - the show's dogma. I think it is fair to say the show is crusading for something it calls "real food". But what is that? Read more...


24 November 2011

What The City should tell St Paul’s

The City faces a severe test from the sort of protest centred on St Paul's. Whether it at last responds properly comes down to character, or its institutionalised cousin - professionalism. The protestors are asking The City to explain itself, and (so far as this dedicated reader of the Financial Times can see) there's been no reply. Where is The City's answer to the question: Does The City do a good job? Read more...


16 November 2011

RDN at BCS digital access debate

The British Computer Society asked me to be one of two responders at a debate dinner featuring Trevor Phillips of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (7 November 2011). The question was: will it be possible for someone to be a full citizen without digital access? Read more...


08 November 2011

St Paul’s anti-capitalist camp

Much of the encampment and debacle at St Paul's is good and even hilarious news, but the best bit is that it has produced a nearly perfect confrontation... Read more...


01 November 2011

Liberal teachers started these riots in the ’80s

Today's rioters have parents who failed them. So it's worth looking at what was happening to inner city black and white 10 year olds, in the early and mid 1980s. They were the first fruit of a primary school system which decided to abandon the idea of traditional education. You may say that this did not matter much, since they were about to go into a secondary system which was hardly better. But the rot was in. Read more...


09 August 2011

A 2nd defence of Murdoch

The accusations against Rupert Murdoch's empire have always been numerous. But not all of them stack up. Here goes at unpicking a few.. Read more...


17 July 2011

A defence of Murdoch and News Corp

I've had a comment that my review of the revived Hare and Brenton play Pravda (Chichester, 2006) was wrong-headed in its defence of Rupert Murdoch and that I should, in the light of current events, apologise for it. I see my critic's point, I hope, but I don't agree.... Read more...


14 July 2011
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